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GLF Board

The Global Leaders’ Forum (GLF) is a Board representing a global network of leaders from the world’s largest International Carriers


Our Board Members

About the GLF Board

The Global Leaders’ Forum (GLF) is a board of executives from the world’s largest international carriers, dedicated to addressing strategic challenges and driving collaborative initiatives. Together, they work to uphold the principles of interoperability and ensure seamless global connectivity across networks and technologies.

Become a member  The GLF's Programmes


Uphold the principle of interoperability and ubiquitous international technological coverage and commercial settlement

Provide a single voice to the broader digital ecosystem from what can be perceived as a fragmented section of the industry

Ensure alignment amongst international carrier senior executives for industry transformation

Our Leadership


Emmanuel Rochas


Orange Wholesale International 
Chair of the GLF 

Marisa Trisolino


CMC Networks
Chair of the DIB Working Group

Eloy Rodriguez

Chief Wholesale Officer

Telefonica Global Solutions
Chair of the Fraud Working Group


Nabil Baccouche

Group Chief Carrier & Wholesale Officer


Chair of the Future of SMS
Working Group

Michael Wheeler

Executive Vice President


Chair of the Network Security Working Group

Dimitrios Rizoulis


Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier

Chair of the IoT Working Group

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